All Symptoms
Hormone replacement therapy: what is it and when is it recommended
Did you know a treatment exists and is available to help you reduce menopause symptoms and
30 May 2022
Climacteric and menopause: what are the differences?
Although they are often used interchangeably, climacteric and menopause do not mean the same thing.
27 Jun 2022
Slow metabolism, is there anything I can do to improve it?
Have you noticed that around menopause, it's easier to gain weight and harder to lose it? This phenomenon...
12 Apr 2023
Cardiovascular health in the menopause: care and recommendations
Cardiovascular health needs our attention at every stage of life. After all, it is a state of well-being
01 May 2023
Nutritional supplements: which ones are needed and why?
For most people taking daily nutritional supplements isn’t necessary. A balanced diet is sufficient to
22 May 2023
Sore nipples, do you know what could cause this discomfort?
Sore nipples are a common occurrence due to their high sensitivity. They are the point where the terminal...
11 Dec 2023
Hormonal balance: causes of its alterations
Hormonal balance is vital for body regulation; disruption can lead to major health complications.
02 Apr 2024
Surgical menopause: are you ready for what is ahead?
Menopause typically occurs around age 55; if it happens earlier, it is termed surgical menopause.
10 Jun 2024
Diagnosis of menopause by symptoms and laboratory tests
Menopause diagnosis often isn't made immediately; it’s usually confirmed after more than a year has passed.
08 Jul 2024
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