
Gynaecology addresses the health of the female reproductive system, covering a wide range of issues such as vaginal infections, menstrual disorders, pelvic pain & intimate hygiene


Late menopause: causes, symptoms, and advice on how to deal with it

Late menopause, uncommon and rarely discussed, occurs in over 10% of women in some regions.


What causes ovarian cysts: risk factors and diagnosis

Ovarian cysts are small fluid-filled sacs within the female reproductive system. What causes them?


Functions of the uterus throughout your life and its importance in your health

The uterus' role extends beyond pregnancy, influencing menstrual cycles and hormonal balance.


Pelvic ultrasound, why perform this study in the menopause?

Is pelvic ultrasound still important in menopause and postmenopause? Yes, without a doubt. Let's explore...


Menopause at 40: why does it happen and what should you expect?

Knowing what menopause is and when menopause begins is essential, especially if you have started menopause


Causes of menopause: 5 main factors in its onset

Menopause is a natural process that occurs when menstrual periods stop due to lower hormone levels. 


How long does menopause last and how to manage the symptoms?

For many women, menopause is a time full of challenges, changes, and adaptations. Some look ahead with...


Post menopause: how should you prepare for it?

So, you’ve already spent a year without menstruating. What now? Well, now comes post menopause.


Menopause Symptoms and How to Handle Them

Are you between 40 and 50 years old and suddenly suffering from sleep problems? Perhaps you feel more ...


Early menopause: what are the symptoms you may experience?

Menopause is the time in a woman's life that marks the end of her menstrual periods. In most cases, 


What is the menopause and how do you know when you're in it?

Welcome to a new and exciting stage of your life, menopause! We promise this is a beautiful period but...

All Symptoms

Diagnosis of menopause by symptoms and laboratory tests

Menopause diagnosis often isn't made immediately; it’s usually confirmed after more than a year has passed.

All Symptoms

Surgical menopause: are you ready for what is ahead?

Menopause typically occurs around age 55; if it happens earlier, it is termed surgical menopause.

All Symptoms

Sore nipples, do you know what could cause this discomfort?

Sore nipples are a common occurrence due to their high sensitivity. They are the point where the terminal...

All Symptoms

Climacteric and menopause: what are the differences?

Although they are often used interchangeably, climacteric and menopause do not mean the same thing. 

All Symptoms

Hormone replacement therapy: what is it and when is it recommended

Did you know a treatment exists and is available to help you reduce menopause symptoms and

Body Symptoms

Pelvic Pain and Menopause: Everything you need to know

Are you going through menopause and experiencing pelvic pain? Find out everything you need to know here.

Intimate Symptoms

Blood in the urine: what is your body trying to say?

The presence of blood in the urine is known as haematuria, but why does it happen?

Intimate Symptoms

How many types of HPV are there and how serious they are?

Do you know how many types of HPV exist and if they cause cervical cancer? Can HPV be prevented?

Intimate Symptoms

Post-coital bleeding: what causes it and what to do when it occurs?

Post-coital bleeding, not related to menstruation, occurs after sexual activity, often with pain.

Intimate Symptoms

Intermenstrual bleeding: is it usual? When you should worry about it?

Metrorrhagia explained: Intermenstrual bleeding, not to be confused with mid-cycle spotting due to ovulation.

Intimate Symptoms

Vaginoplasty: when is the best option and why?

Vaginoplasty's role in enhancing women's intimate health, addressing physical and emotional well-being.

Intimate Symptoms

Vaginal pH: why is it altered in menopause?

Vaginal pH is a crucial indicator of vaginal health. However, there are factors that can alter it and cause...

Intimate Symptoms

Vaginal cytology: what diseases can it identify?

Keeping track of our health is important throughout menopause. One regular screening that is recommended

Intimate Symptoms

Vaginal odour, why does it appear during menopause?

All vaginas naturally produce odours and this often depends on lifestyle, activities and general health. 

Intimate Symptoms

Female arousal and its importance in reaching orgasm

Female arousal is the result of sexual stimulation and pleasure. When you are aroused, the genital ...

Intimate Symptoms

Intimate hygiene: how to look after yourself during menopause

Intimate hygiene is the intimate care for your genital area. Practicing this properly is an important 

Intimate Symptoms

Vaginal wetness: what to expect during menopause?

Vaginal wetness tends to be a subject we do not really think about often. It is only when we have an issue...

Intimate Symptoms

Myomatosis:  What is it?

Every year millions of women are diagnosed with uterine myomatosis, a disease characterised by the...

Intimate Symptoms

Learn which vaginal infections are the most common

Vaginal infections are conditions that affect the external part of the female reproductive system. 

Intimate Symptoms

Fungal infection: what it is and what causes it

Did you know that at least three out of four women have had a vaginal fungal infection at some point in... 

Intimate Symptoms

Pain when having sex, causes and possible solutions

Pain when having sex affects 10-28% of women worldwide and is most common during menopause.




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