Vaginoplasty: when is the best option and why?


Intimate health is a very important aspect of every woman's life, as it influences her physical, emotional, and sexual well-being; however, it is often neglected or ignored due to shame or lack of information. That is why we want to talk to you about everything related to vaginoplasty, a surgical procedure of the intimate area (1,2). 


Vaginoplasty: What is it and what is its objective?




It is a surgical procedure for vaginal rejuvenation, which aims to correct the laxity and stretching of the tissues of the vaginal canal. Its objective is to restore or improve the intimate area's function, appearance, and sensitivity. This is because in many women the tissues that make up the vagina can stretch or loosen for multiple reasons. Undergoing vaginoplasty will depend on the needs of each patient. (1,2,3). 


In what cases is it usually recommended and what are its benefits? 


Normally, this intimate surgery is beneficial if you have any of the following situations (2,3,4,5):Principio del formulario 

  • Vaginal widening due to aging, menopause, or multiple childbirths. It's a problem that can cause dissatisfaction with the appearance of the vagina and difficulty in maintaining satisfactory sexual relationships. 
  • History of surgery, pelvic floor trauma, or congenital malformation. 
  • Some cases of urinary incontinence 
  • Some alterations in the female reproductive system, which may be accompanied by pain, irritation or lack of sexual pleasure. As a result, it leads to frustration or loss of sexual interest. 

Having this type of vaginal rejuvenation surgery could increase sexual satisfaction, as well as improve the elasticity and muscle tone of your vagina. Therefore, it can be performed for both reconstructive and aesthetic purposes (2,3,5). 

Similarly, it is important to emphasize that maintaining good intimate health reinforces your physical, emotional, and sexual well-being. Of course, all this also favors the relationship with your partner, communication, intimacy and pleasure (1,2,5). 


What instructions should you follow before having a vaginoplasty? 


You must follow some previous directions, for example (2,3,4): 

  • Inform yourself thoroughly about the procedure, its objectives, benefits, risks, alternatives, and possible outcomes. To do this, you must consult with a specialized and certified doctor. 
  • Additionally, you will need to sign an informed consent form before the surgery. 
  • Get a medical evaluation to rule out or treat any health problems that may make the surgery risky or complicated. Such as, allergies, diabetes, hypertension, or pregnancy. 
  • Follow hygiene and personal care guidelines to help prepare your body for surgery and prevent infections. 

What are the risks of vaginoplasty


Some of the most common include (3,4,5): 

  • Blood problems: clots forming in the deep veins, during or after surgery. Alternatively, bleeding leads to blood in the urine. 
  • Anesthetic accidents. 
  • Abnormal scarring. 
  • Dyspareunia (painful sexual intercourse). 
  • Vaginal stenosis (narrowing or shortening of the diameter of the vagina). 
  • Adverse psychological effects due to dissatisfaction. 

What recommendations should you follow after this surgery? 


After a vaginoplasty, it's important to be attentive and consider the following (2,4,5): 

  • Avoid physical efforts or sudden movements. 
  • Maintain good hygiene of the area. 
  • Wear cotton underwear, loose and clean. 
  • Take the medications prescribed by your doctor. 
  • Follow a balanced diet and drink plenty of water to help eliminate toxins. 
  • Avoid smoking, alcohol, and other harmful substances, as they may interfere with healing. 
  • Refrain from having sex or using tampons for as long as your doctor indicates. 
  • Attend medical check-ups. 

Vaginoplasty is a surgery that can improve your intimate health. Its goal is to restore or improve the function, appearance, and sensitivity of the vagina, as well as correct possible defects or alterations that may affect your health; however, it may also involve risks. Therefore, it is important to be well-informed and to have a prior medical evaluation. 

If you are interested in having this procedure, you should consult a specialist doctor who can offer guidance. 

Remember that it's a personal decision based on your needs, desires, and health status. The most important thing is for you to feel comfortable with yourself.


Bibliographical references 

  1. Giussy B, Facchin F, Buggio L, Alberico D, Frattaruolo L, Kustermann A. Vaginal rejuvenation: current perspectives. [Internet] 2019 [cited 2024 March 03]; 9: 513–519. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5560421/ 
  2. Topdoctors. Vaginoplasty [Internet]. UK: Alexander Bader; 2023 [cited 2024 March 06]. Available from: https://www.topdoctors.co.uk/medical-dictionary/vaginoplasty 
  3. Cleveland Clinic. Vaginoplasty [Internet]. U.S: Health Essentials; 2024 [cited 2024 March 06]. Available from: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/procedures/21572-vaginoplasty 
  4. News Medical Life Sciences. Vaginoplasty - Risks and Complications [Internet]. U.S: Liji Thomas; 2023 [cited 2024 March 06]. Available from: https://www.news-medical.net/health/Vaginoplasty-Risks-and-Complications.aspx 
  5. The Aesthetic Society. Vaginoplasty [Internet]. U.S: ASJ; [cited 2024 March 06]. Available from: https://www-theaestheticsociety-org.translate.goog/procedures/genital/vaginoplasty?_x_tr_sl=en&_x_tr_tl=es&_x_tr_hl=es-419&_x_tr_pto=sc 


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