Open communication between mother and daughter: coping with hot flashes

Do you feel uncomfortable talking about the transformations you experience in your body? Menopause is a sensitive topic, but it also represents an opportunity to strengthen the relationship between mother and daughter. So, speaking openly about hot flashes, anxiety or mood swings does not have to be taboo. Here, we'll look at how open communication can turn these interactions into great moments. Read on for all the details! 


The true importance of open communication  


Transparent dialogue allows both mothers and daughters to better understand their bodies and emotions. When you share your experiences honestly, you break down barriers and create an environment conducive to conversation. This strengthens the bond between the two and helps each face challenges with greater confidence. 

During transition, a number of physical and emotional changes occur that often affect interpersonal relationships. By addressing this issue, you can help your daughter understand what is to come or your mother feel supported. Such an emotional connection is imperative for the well-being of both of you (1). 


Create a safe space for open communication. 



To initiate these conversations, you need to establish a safe and welcoming environment (2). For example: 

  • Choose a quiet time to talk without interruptions. 

  • Then, ask your mother or daughter how she feels about menopause. Pay attention without judgment; this is key to fostering open communication. 

  • Also, be sure to set boundaries about what each is willing to share. Build a framework of mutual respect and avoid unnecessary pressure. 

  • Be patient. Listen attentively and without interruptions. The idea is to have a smooth interaction. 

  • Share your own experiences, such as hot flashes or other changes in your body. This way, you can open the door to a deeper conversation about other symptoms. 

  • Never forget the importance of loving yourself. Take care of your emotions and needs. This way, you can be a better support for your mother or daughter. 


How to start a conversation about hormonal changes with empathy? 

Starting a conversation about menopause requires empathy and sensitivity. Ask how your mother or daughter feels about the physical and emotional changes they are experiencing. Active listening is critical to promoting open communication. 

You can use these questions, "How do you handle hot flashes?" or "What worries you most about this stage?" These questions invite dialogue and demonstrate your genuine interest in their experiences.  

Also, share your own concerns and reflections. Speaking from the heart allows you to establish an environment conducive to both of you feeling comfortable (3) 


Open communication: the role of humor in conversations 

It is never too late to learn how to improve communication, and a sense of humor could be a powerful tool in these exchanges. Hence, laughing together helps relieve tension and create a more relaxed atmosphere. Share funny anecdotes about everyday situations related to menopause. This will make the topic easier to discuss (4). 

Never underestimate the power of a good laugh. Humor allows you to look at difficult situations with optimism and helps build confidence. Keep this in mind within your support network. 


Enjoy the hormonal transition stage from a positive perspective 


Menopause should not be seen as a difficult phase. In fact, it could be an opportunity to enjoy life. Talking openly about these changes allows you to recognize what each of you has learned and appreciate the shared growth. 

Encouraging a positive attitude toward menopause can help combat the low self-esteem some women feel. Share stories of empowerment and overcoming. This will likely inspire your mother or daughter to embrace the moment with good cheer. Take the opportunity to celebrate together and further strengthen your relationship (5). 


Open communication that brings generations together: a valuable legacy 


Open conversations between mothers and daughters are beneficial in the present. They also leave an important legacy for future generations. Experiences and information about the hormonal transition become a valuable input for the next women in your family to face these changes with confidence. 

Honest dialogue between mother and daughter fosters healthy and lasting relationships. In fact, it serves as practice for learning how to establish good communication in a partnership. In all cases, by building this generational bridge, you contribute to a family culture in which talking openly about difficult issues becomes second nature (6). 


Embracing menopause together with support, understanding and love 


In conclusion, talking about hormonal changes doesn't have to be uncomfortable or taboo. Through open communication, you can turn these interactions into opportunities to strengthen your family relationships. Also, remember to create a safe space where you both feel comfortable sharing your experiences. 

Use humor as a tool to soften the subject and celebrate this stage as a time of personal and family growth. It promotes mutual support and builds a valuable legacy of love and understanding between generations. 

So, go ahead and start that conversation today. Menopause can be a challenging journey, but through the free exchange of ideas it is possible to face it with confidence and joy together with your mother or daughter. 


Bibliographical References 

  1. Robinson, L., Segal, J., Smith, M. Effective Communication [Internet]. EE.UU.: Help Guide Org; 2024 [cited 2024 Nov 27]. Available from: https://www.helpguide.org/relationships/communication/effective-communication 

  1. Sharp, M. 8 Ways You Can Improve Your Communication Skills [Internet]. EE.UU.: Professional & Executive Development Harvard Division of Continuing Education; 2024 [cited 2024 Nov 27]. Available from: https://professional.dce.harvard.edu/blog/8-ways-you-can-improve-your-communication-skills/ 

  1. Schwartzberg, J. 4 Ways to Communicate with More Empathy [Internet]. EE.UU.: Harvard Business Review; 2022 [cited 2024 Nov 27]. Available from: https://hbr.org/2022/08/4-ways-to-communicate-with-more-empathy  

  1. Abrahams, M. Make ’Em Laugh: How Humor Can Be the Secret Weapon in Your Communication [Internet]. EE.UU.: Stanford Business; 2020 [cited 2024 Nov 27]. Available from: https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/insights/make-em-laugh-how-humor-can-be-secret-weapon-your-communication 

  1. Stewart, M. How to Stay Positive During Menopause [Internet]. EE.UU.: NCOA; 2022 [cited 2024 Nov 27]. Available from: https://www.ncoa.org/article/how-to-stay-positive-during-menopause/ 

  1. NHS. Supporting someone through the menopause [Internet]. Reino Unido.: NHS; 2022 [cited 2024 Nov 27]. Available from: https://www.nhsinform.scot/healthy-living/womens-health/later-years-around-50-years-and-over/menopause-and-post-menopause-health/supporting-someone-through-the-menopause/ 


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