Change of career at 40: find a new passion


Menopause indicates a transformative period in women's lives. This time can be an exciting and revitalizing opportunity to make a change of career at 40 and have a healthy lifestyle. The transition to menopause invites reflection and self-discovery, offering a unique opportunity to redefine career goals and aspirations (1). For that reason, in this article, we will explore how to make this change, how to earn extra money, and what are the advantages of embarking on new career adventures. 


Why a change of career at 40 is a great opportunity 



A change of career at 40, especially after menopause, can be a liberating experience. This period of life is often accompanied by a renewed desire to pursue passions, overcome low self-esteem, and explore new opportunities (2). 

After years of professional and personal experience, you are likely to better understand your skills and what you are passionate about. In addition, menopause can be a time of personal renewal. It can help you decide to explore a new career (3). 


Essential steps to start a change of career at 40 


Here are some steps or recommendations when thinking about a change of career at 40: 


Assess your skills and passions 

Firstly, make a list of your skills, strengths, and passions. Reflect on what you like and don't enjoy in your current job. Create your list of hobbies. This self-knowledge is essential to choosing a career that makes you happy (4). 


Research new industries 

Secondly, explore different sectors and find out which ones are growing. Consider which industries value the experience and skills you already possess. Research is key to making an informed decision (5). 


Consider additional training 

Thirdly, further education may be necessary to make the transition to a new career. Online courses, workshops, and certifications can provide you with the skills you need to succeed in your new area (5). 


Change of career at 40: an inspirational success story 


Many women have found success and satisfaction in making a change of career at 40.  Talented British actress Judi Dench is a prime example of success in the entertainment industry. Despite starting her career in the theatre, it wasn't until after the age of 40 that she became an iconic figure in film. Her versatility and skills have led her to win awards and accolades around the world (6). 


Practical tips for managing transition 


Now, we want to give you some practical tips on how to manage the transition of career in your 40s (7): 


  • Build friendships: it is essential to build a support network and surround yourself with people who can give you advice. For example, seek out mentors, a support group, or even friends who have gone through similar changes. They can offer guidance and emotional support. 
  • Then, set realistic goals: define short and long-term goals. Having a clear and achievable plan will help you stay motivated and focused on your new career. 
  • In addition, take care of your health: menopause can bring in symptoms such as loss of appetite, hot flashes, and mood swings. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and relaxation techniques can help keep you fit and focused on your goals. 
  • Time for yourself: you can listen to other people's travel tips and consider taking a break. Travelling can be a great way to clear your mind and find inspiration. Plan a trip that allows you to unwind and reflect on your career goals and desires. 
  • Also, practice self-care: it is essential to love yourself and be kind to yourself during this process. Acknowledge your achievements and celebrate every small step forward. Low self-esteem can be an obstacle, make sure to focus on developing a positive self-image. 
  • Finally, explore a list of hobbies: spend time on activities that you are passionate about. Hobbies such as gardening, exercising to build muscle mass, painting or yoga are not only relaxing but can also offer new perspectives and energy for your career. 


Benefits of a change of career at 40 


Now, we want you to know all the benefits of a change of career at 40(1): 

  • Firstly: changing careers can renew a sense of purpose and give a new direction in life. 
  • Secondly: many women find that new careers offer more flexibility and a better work-life balance. 
  • Thirdly: they also discover that they can combine their previous experience with new skills to find out how to earn extra money. 
  • Finally, making a career change that generates passion can improve emotional and mental well-being. 

In brief, a change of career at 40, after menopause, is possible. It can also be an incredibly positive and transformative experience. With the right assessment of your skills and passions, research into new industries, and the support of a strong network, you can make this transition successfully. 


Bibliographical references 


  1. OMS. Menopause [Internet]. 2022. [cited 2024 Jul 4]. Available from: https://www.who.int/es/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/menopause 
  2. Robinson C. How to successfully change careers in your 40s [Internet]. Forbes. 2024. [cited 2024 Jul 4]. Available from: https://www.forbes.com/sites/cherylrobinson/2024/04/01/how-to-successfully-change-careers-in-your-40s-with-limited-experience/ 
  3. Universia. ¿Por qué no es descabellado cambiar de carrera a los 40?  [Internet]. 2022. [cited 2024 Jul 4]. Available from: https://www.universia.net/es/actualidad/orientacion-academica/que-descabellado-cambiar-carrera-40-1160579.html 
  4. CompTIA. How to change your career in 7 steps [Internet]. [cited 2024 Jul 4]. Available from: https://www.comptia.org/career-change/plan/how-to/7-steps 
  5. Indeed. Finding a job. Career ideas and guidance to pick the right role for you. [Internet].  [cited 2024 Jul 4]. Available from: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/finding-a-job 
  6. Hughes M. 11 inspirational women over 50 and what they can teach us [Internet]. Rest Less. 2022 [cited 2024 Jul 4]. Available from: https://restless.co.uk/leisure-and-lifestyle/real-life-stories/inspirational-women-over-50-and-what-they-can-teach-you/ 
  7. Austcorp. Successful Strategies for navigating career transitions [Internet]. 2022 [cited 2024 Jul 4]. Available from: https://www.austcorpexecutive.com.au/blog/2024/04/navigating-career-transitions-7-strategies-for-a-seamless-switch?source=google.com 
  8. Miles M. Career Change at 40: Best Paying jobs and Tips to Transition [Internet]. Betterup; 2024. [cited 2024 Jul 4]. Available from: https://www.betterup.com/blog/career-change-at-40 


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